Meet my Family

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Day 31- past the hurdle
Alright I am now farther the half way! Weighed myself and I'm down another 2 pounds. Total weight loss is 28 pounds! Woo hoo! The pounds are melting away. So glad i decided to do this or nothing would have been able to teach me obedience like this. Feels so good! I'm anxiously awaiting my kitchen!! Can't wait for the final result. Me and John have wanted this for so long it seems (even though we haven't even been in the house a year LOL). Oh well I'm impatient what can I say. :) My thoughts are if you drag your feet doing things it won't ever get done. Waiting for my taxes to hit my bank account seems like they can never come soon enough!! I just want to have the money in the bank so I can be a little more stress free. Ok gotta empty out more cupboards and the closet! Have a good one!! -Krystle
Monday, January 30, 2012
Day 30 - of 60 day juice fast
Today marks the half way point! Wooo hoooo! I have made it so far already!! 30 more days to go! Not much to write about today. I will write tomorrow after I weigh in. Have a good night guys.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Day 29- doing better- down 26 pounds
Awww my Grandpa Carl e-mailed me today some really sweet words to keep me positive. :) I am doing much better today!! I made tacos and tostadas enough to feed an army, and I am making my mom's famous banana bread now. Yesterday was hard. Thanks so much everyone for the comments. I was literally having a break down but I pulled through, because of you guys. I went to the spa yesterday with my best friend Gigi and got my mind of a lot and vented to her about how i felt. Made me feel better. By the end of our spa session I was feeling better! I also talked to me friend Sandy about it and she was really supportive :) Everyone really has helped me. Yesterday I spoke to my dad for a while about it and he told me I would regret quitting after a few days. He said I have gone so far and to turn back now I would feel like I failed, so true. My future mother in-law told me that she is buying me a book called "eating for life" really healthy recipes that will help me ease back into eating the correct food and amounts. So excited can't wait to get that in the mail. My kitchen should be starting tomorrow, they will be starting to make all our cabinets, not sure when the are gonna demo our kitchen now but i can't wait for that day. We are gonna be spending so much money the next couple weeks with the kitchen, all new appliances, new sink for kitchen, and new sink for the bathroom. Kinda scares me. But I'm sure it will be alright. :) Just hope we didn't get in over our heads. Yikes! Anyways guys have a good night and again THANK YOU for the support .. i love you all! Gotta check on my delicious banana bread.. which I can't eat LOL. But here is the food i made. I was pretty proud, I'm actually becoming more of a chef now that I am on this ... weird. Hope it all tastes good lol. But i'll never know.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Day 28
So annoyed right now all I wanna do is eat. This is the hardest day so far! I don't know if I can really do this. Thoughts?
Friday, January 27, 2012
Day 27- of 60 day juice fast
Alright almost to 30 days! amazing!!! We had out cabinets guys come out today and they will be starting on monday! Can't wait!! Also the cabinet guy came about 4 months ago to give us a quote, and today when he walked in the house he said to me "wow you have lost a lot of weight!!" So happy that someone who doesn't know I am doing this noticed. made me feel great! Also the heater repair man came today, and said there was nothing really wrong just needed to be cleaned, guess we will see if he is right. Today I weighed in again and I LOST 25 POUNDS! I feel like that was a major goal and it is now passed :) Clothes are still feeling great , my tightest scrubs are now getting really loose in the leg and butt area :) YAY! anyways
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Day 26- Night time
Ok so me and John got our taxes done ... and yes we finally can afford to remodel the kitchen with new cabinets and granite, and the spare bathroom :) WOOO HOO! my house was built in the 70's so you can only imagine how much better this modern kitchen is gonna look! I will take pictures whenever it is totally complete. Who knows how long it will take. But I want it done now. I weighed myself early, and lost another pound. Total weight loss is 24 pounds! Super stoked!! Can't lie I am still wanting food bad. I notice all the food commercials and signs with food on them. I feel like a real fat ass lol. Weird that before you really don't pay any mind to that. Iv'e been thinking a lot though of what I am going to eat when I get off this. I know even if its the healthiest thing in the world, it's gonna taste great (at least at first.) Haha. Alright guys well have a good night! -xoxo
Day 26- of 60 day juice fast
Just finished making my breakfast juice and messing around online. Guess the heater guy is't gonna show up now till tomorrow. Gr! Oh well just wanted to show you guys a sneak peak of the pics I took with my mom, sister. Enjoy! Have a good day!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Day 25- of 60 day juice fast
Just got off work ... Long day today. Still juicing and doing well. Haven't cheated at all :) so happy!! Feels really good my energy is up as well:) hasent been really hard to wake up in the morning ... 35 days to go. About to watch "fast five" with the boyfriend . I I have tomorrow off .. Gotta to some laundry and get my heater checked
Out by a repair man. Heater almost blew up my house a few days ago. Hopefully my home warranty will
Cover a new one. But chances are slim to none. My grandma left today. Had a really nice time with her. I'm glad
To have her in my life.... Anyways I've been thinking of taking a vacation this year . I really wanna do a house boat for a week in lake Powell but its super far drive ( like 2 days) and I don't think we can take that much time off. Any ideas guys? Let me know! Have a good night :))
Out by a repair man. Heater almost blew up my house a few days ago. Hopefully my home warranty will
Cover a new one. But chances are slim to none. My grandma left today. Had a really nice time with her. I'm glad
To have her in my life.... Anyways I've been thinking of taking a vacation this year . I really wanna do a house boat for a week in lake Powell but its super far drive ( like 2 days) and I don't think we can take that much time off. Any ideas guys? Let me know! Have a good night :))
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Im retarded. Just realized on this blog you can reply to individual comments instead of writing a whole other comment that no one in gonna read.. WOW sorry guys.. Now i will reply to your comments the right way so you don't think im ignoring you LOL. Keep the comments rolling :) xoxo
Day 24 - of 60 day juice fast
Its day 24. Just jumped on the scale lost 1 pound. Total lost as of today is 23 pounds. :) yay! loving how every time I get on the scale I see results .. I have never been the same weight yet. yay!! My close are feeling really loose and a lot of people are telling me they can really tell the difference. Makes me very happy! Your support guys has really got me through. I read the most interesting articles online the other day about how much this is really repairing my body and adding years on to my life. Also kind of annoying how people always are so negative about it and immediately say "that is unhealthy". These people have no idea the amount of research I have done during and before this fast, and also they are eating burger king and trying to tell me I am unhealthy. Ha! I downloaded a book today (my first one) on my ipad It's called "The Beauty Detox Solution". It has a lot of really healthy but super good recipes in there for after I stop this fast :) Cant wait .. 36 days and counting. Haha! Have a good day guys. My grandma is coming down today. Can't wait to see her! - Krystle
Sunday, January 22, 2012
day 22 -of 60 day juice fast
Alright tried on pants today that haven't fit in years and they fit and were not tight at all!!! :) woo hoo seeing results is so amazing.. Sorry I didn't write yesterday. My dog was severely ill and vomiting with hives all over her body and a extremely swollen snout. She woke up today all better tho!! Thank god!! I was worried for a good 24 hours! So happy she is ok, just kinda weirded out cus I have no idea what caused it. Alright guys have a good day!! I'm gonna go make my breakfast drink now :) Oh BTW I weighed in yesterday and lost 2 more pounds total 22!!! Sweeeeetnessss :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Day 20- of 60 day juice fast
Alright it's day 20! Im a little stressed out right now my dog had an allergic reaction to something her nose is completely swollen and hard and she has bumps all over her body. I had to run to CVS and get her Benedryl (yes dogs can take it). Ahhhh! I hope she is better by the morning or i'm not gonna be able to work. That is the only reason I am up this late. Poor thing, i'm a worrying mother now. I have no idea what she got into. I just hope it's not a bite from something. Only time will tell. Well I have surpassed day 20, here comes day 21. Watched john eat mexican food today and got a little angry inside not gonna lie. But it was fine once the meal was over. By the way saw a great movie tonight called *Warrior*. WATCH IT! super good!! Ok everyone have a great night weigh in is tomorrow so I will keep you all posted :) -Krystle
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Day 19- of 60 day juice fast
Alrighty :) almost to day 20. Today was
Torture my whole work decided to order pizza (my favorite meal in the world)!!! So I was depressed about it for a good hour but then overcame it and went on with the day. Now I'm smelling chicken enchiladas my boyfriend is eating ... Haha oh my life ! I'll tell ya time doesn't fly so fast when your on a juice fast. Me and my boyfriend also decided we will probably stay in super bowl Sunday. Just so I'm in a good mood all day and not tempted by all the junk food. :)! Sweet! Anyways have a good night guys! Xoxo
Torture my whole work decided to order pizza (my favorite meal in the world)!!! So I was depressed about it for a good hour but then overcame it and went on with the day. Now I'm smelling chicken enchiladas my boyfriend is eating ... Haha oh my life ! I'll tell ya time doesn't fly so fast when your on a juice fast. Me and my boyfriend also decided we will probably stay in super bowl Sunday. Just so I'm in a good mood all day and not tempted by all the junk food. :)! Sweet! Anyways have a good night guys! Xoxo
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Day 18 -20 pounds total loss!
Stepped on the scale this morning and lost 2 more pounds! Woo hoo!! Total for 18 days is 20 pounds! :) so exciting! :) it seems like without even telling alot of people personally alot of my friends and family are buying juicers and starting to fast or put juicing into their daily eating habits :) very cool! Well I have to get ready for work! Have a good day everyone ! :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Day 17- of 60 day juice fast
Alright I'm still going strong!! Just made my boyfriend a KFC bowl but from scratch. His sister gave me the recipe. Looked so good, but I couldn't even try it. Boo! Anyways, I went a tried on my bridesmaid dress today and went to an all natural juice bar and had a juice with the bride to be. It was really nice to catch up. Some older woman also came up to me and said that I was so beautiful. Talk about an ego boost. :) alright guys weigh in tomorrow hoping for more results :) we will see!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Day 16- of 60 day juice fast
Alright day 16 is almost done. I'm counting down the days till
My next weigh in ... All is well :) feeling great, feeling healthy, and best of all
Feeling skinny :) I keep wondering how much weight I'm really gone loose. I wonder if I will fall short of my goal or surpass it completely . Hmmmm... Alright guys, have a good night.
Tomorrow I am off work and have a dress fitting ... Hopefully all goes smoothly. Xoxo - krystle
My next weigh in ... All is well :) feeling great, feeling healthy, and best of all
Feeling skinny :) I keep wondering how much weight I'm really gone loose. I wonder if I will fall short of my goal or surpass it completely . Hmmmm... Alright guys, have a good night.
Tomorrow I am off work and have a dress fitting ... Hopefully all goes smoothly. Xoxo - krystle
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Day 15 - 1/4 of the way there!
Weighed in today and lost 2 pounds :) total weightloss 18 pounds . Just downloaded the blogger app :) sweet! It will be easier for me to post now. I went to the beach today and we took professional photos of me my sis and mom. Felt great to be down 18 pounds :) super exciting! Have a friend Mallory who started yesterday. Pray she does well! I went to monster jam last night at Anaheim stadium. The people in front of me were eating panda express orange chicken with broccoli. Looked so good!!! But I overcame! Mind over matter I tell ya! Alright have a good Sunday guys I'm gonna relax now it's chilly outside :)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Day 14- of 60 day juice fast
Sorry I never logged in for day 13. I went to a family dinner. Whoa was that hard! LOL won't be doing that again anytime soon. I weigh in tomorrow morning again. I'm hoping for more then a pound. But we will just have to see. Iv'e been trying to find some more sober activities to do lately. Tonight we are going to the "Monster Truck show" .. I'm excited. Iv'e wanted to go since I was little, so me and John decided .. "why not!" So we are going tonight :) I'll update you guys tomorrow!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 12- of 60 day juice fast
Alright I weighed in. But only 1 pound lighter. Oh well at least it's not the same or I gained weight right? So now I am at 16 pounds total weight loss. I decided to treat myself today, got a microdermabration facial and a massage. Feeling great! Normally I treat myself to food. But this was so much better! I feel like a million bucks, I even bought a mask to take home. :) So feeling good and energized! Nice to do things for yourself once in a while. Alright I'm gonna relax it's my day off today. Gotta catch up on my shows. I wanna take Jenna on a walk tonight, hopefully the boyfriend is up for it. XoXo- Krystle
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Day 11- of 60 day juice fast
Alright I've made it to day 11. Yippee day! Weigh in is tomorrow and I cannot wait! Can't lie though. i have felt hungry the past 2 days. Well let me rephrase that, not hungry just wanting to eat food. I swear the day I'm off this I'm having 2 hard boiled eggs for breakfast. Hopefully my body can handle that :) It's weird because I keep forgetting why I'm doing this, until weigh in time comes around again. I swear I have been counting down the days every 3 days (cus thats when I weigh in). My back pain has gotten better, I have also incorporated some stretches. So both of those are really helping. I can't believe I have really been without solid food in 11 days. I feel like part of the Donner party. haha. Oh well. I will update you tomorrow. I better see results :) LOL. Night world.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day 10- of 60 day juice fast
WOW! It's actually day 10. If I was doing the normal 10 day juice fast I would be done now :) But im not. LOL My weight loss and my changing taste buds have deff helped me get thru these 10 days. Still when I think of a whole 60 days it seems so long. Just taking it one day at a time. Not drinking is also kind of a pain haha.. makes me feel like an alcoholic. I just like to socially drink so it's weird not to. Last night my friend Stephanie introduced me to this iphone app. That is amazing! It's called "Myfitnesspal", if anyone is trying to loose wight I would deff recommend you download it. You can even make friends and track your and their goals. My name on there is *krystlegilbert* . if you wanna read more about it go to . I obviously am not calorie counting now but once i'm off this, this will deff help me reach my goal :)
Anyways, I had the best breakfast today by far.
3 chunks pineapple
4 strawberries
2 carrots
1 lime
1 pear
It was great because it didn't have all the veggies I normally put in there. But it felt like a dessert and a nice treat I needed. Alright I need to sweep and mop my floors, but lack the motivation, I just need to do it. Here goes nothing! Bring it on day 10!
Anyways, I had the best breakfast today by far.
3 chunks pineapple
4 strawberries
2 carrots
1 lime
1 pear
It was great because it didn't have all the veggies I normally put in there. But it felt like a dessert and a nice treat I needed. Alright I need to sweep and mop my floors, but lack the motivation, I just need to do it. Here goes nothing! Bring it on day 10!
Monday, January 9, 2012
I had three friends that were doing this with me. They all started after me as well.
Christina - still going strong.. GOOD JOB WOMAN!
Kristina- FAILED day 1 (after we went and bought all this produce together, annoyed)
Rich- FAILED day 4 or 5 (not sure)
Kinda annoyed, If i can do it, I know they can. I just wanted more people to have support with me at work. Oh well, it is what it is.
Alright Christina it's just me and you dude, we can do this!
Christina - still going strong.. GOOD JOB WOMAN!
Kristina- FAILED day 1 (after we went and bought all this produce together, annoyed)
Rich- FAILED day 4 or 5 (not sure)
Kinda annoyed, If i can do it, I know they can. I just wanted more people to have support with me at work. Oh well, it is what it is.
Alright Christina it's just me and you dude, we can do this!
Day - 9 - LOSS OF 4 POUNDS - TOTAL -15!!
Well its the morning of day 9. I just weighed myself and I lost 4 more pounds. Total weight loss is 15 pounds!! Seriously this fast is amazing! I'm feeling better and loosing so much weight its crazy!! Even thought I know you can't really see it on me yet, I feel skinner, my confidence is coming back. YAYY! This is a great way to start off monday! Gotta get to work have a good one guys!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Day 8- of 60 Day Juice Fast!
I'm more amped now then ever!! Got a whole week under my belt. No turning back now. My friend Kristina (different one then the one I mentioned earlier) is starting her juice fast tomorrow! Super excited, she is one of my closest friends and works with me as well so it will be easy to be her motivation now. Just went to the store for week 2. AND OMG .. found this place my friend Haley had recommended called "Growers Direct" .. finally went today and bought so much produce ... and my bill was less then $30! Sweet!! Normally I'm spending at least once a week maybe more $15 on this salad I get from a a restaurant right next to my work called "Infusion" .. WHAT A RIP! And not to mention all the other money I spend each week on sandwiches and junk food to get me through the day. Seriously, I'm not even hungry anymore. The beginning was super tough, but I think I have jumped that hurdle and am in the clear now. I'm thinking clearer about everything too! My back pain seems to have lessened which is awesome! Also the no drinking thing alone is making this Sunday so much funner! (not being hungover LOL) Alright this is to week 2!! Woo Hoo!! Oh and check my receipt .... who ever said juicing was expensive lied ..... Never going to a grocery store for produce again!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Day 7- done !
Wow this seems just to get easier and easier ... I'm not even craving food anymore! It's crazy. I'm in bed now typing this on my phone ... Had to help a friend move today after a long day at work and then I just got my hair done :)) sweet !! Have a good night guys tomorrow is day 8!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Day 6- I did it!
Alright I survived today. At work there was a huge turkey, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese biscuits and cake. It was tough today but yayy! Happy I survived another day ! :) And I can't wait to get my hair done Sunday with my besty Gigi, then I will really feel good :) Alright guys pray for me ... tomorrow is day 7!
WOOO HOO! Just a quick update I lost 3 more pounds! This means I have lost 11 pounds in 6 days. AMAZING! I ordered new scrubs for work a size smaller then normal ... So I gotta get skinnier!! Here's to day 6!!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Day 5- Almost complete.
Feeling a little tired today, but work was pretty busy! I'm sort of dreading tomorrow because my friend is having a baby shower and I know there will be tons of food I wanna eat. Guess I just need to get over it, I've eaten my share and more the past year. My boyfriend made me my dinner tonight LOL. I really need to weigh myself tomorrow so I remember why I am doing this :) Tomorrow will be day 6 .. I really hope I can do what I set out to do. What 60 days in someones life really? I was in braces for 2 years and now it feels like it was 5 minutes. I CAN DO IT!!! It's really weird cus I don't even feel hungry anymore. Once you know you can't have the foods you want your appetite really started dwindling away. Mostly because we all eat when we aren't really hungry. We eat cus it tastes good! Can't wait to start my healthy diet after this. It's gonna taste so good!
Day 5 morning- of 60 day juice fast
So I must be a real fat ass cus Iv'e been dreaming of food every night. HAHAH .. last night tho before I went to bed I was watching "teen mom 2" and they were talking about deviled eggs, Which are my absolute favorite, then I started thinking of scrambled eggs with cheese, and then every egg thing you can possibly think of. Man do I love cheese, and I miss cheese. Cheese might have been what has made me gain so much weight cus I eat it so much!. At the end of all my thoughts though I really kept thinking wow I can't wait to eat healthy. Some hard boiled eggs for breakfast .. Some tuna with mustard and lettuce in a wheat pita pocket for lunch. Alright so here is to day 5! I gotta get ready for the day! Sorry I haven't posted any pictures of my meals but its harder when I am working and in a rush. And I am working a lot this week! Alright guys cheers to you! Thanks for the support. Tomorrow I get to weigh in!! YAYY!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Survived day 4
Alright just got off work ... Long day today! But I got a lot accomplished at work which makes it all worth it! I really wanna weigh myself everyday . but I really think I'm gonna stick to every 3 days. Just so I don't get disappointed. I was gonna juice for dinner, but I'm really not that hungry. Or maybe the juice just doesn't sound that appetizing tonight! Oh well no dinner for me tonight! Till tomorrow ...
Day 4
Well today I had a work meeting, and they all were eating food our lovely boss had provided. I wanted some bad!! But instead I got all the left over veggies left over from the veggie tray and put them in the fridge so I could use them for my dinner. LOL WOW it seems pretty crazy that I haven't eaten in 4 whole days! LOL Oh well JUICE BABY JUICE!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day 3- Progress
Today is going very well :) I have today off and I think the fast is easier when your alone with no temptations. Just took my dog "Jenna" on a walk. She loved it. As a puppy she used to be the worst walker in the world!!! It's crazy what being 1 1/2 years old will do :) She was super pleased and I was too. Its a gorgeous day outside! My house is always super cold so it was really nice to be out enjoying the sun! We have a fairly large backyard so I really actually have neglected my dog for walks, and because before she was such a nightmare it just didn't seem worth it. My new years resolutions is to also take Jenna on more walks, it's just as good for me as it is for her! Alright gotta go make a Juice Lunch! TTYL!
Well I am so excited to say that i just weighed myself and I lost 8 pounds! Can you believe it! I had to get on the scale like 5 times just to make sure!!!! Im soo happy! That is deff some motivation I needed :) Wooo Hoo!! So after that I made my breakfast .. probably not the best on I've had so far. Boo :( I'm not a huge fan of celery so I tasted that a lot, and I think I really taste the beet too. Kind of over powers it. But last night I had a beet and it was fine. Totally weird oh well. I guess you gotta learn these things. Kinda funny cus I'm just throwing things together. I had a recipe book that came with my juicer but doesn't really give me exactly what I am looking for. Alright so Here's to day 3 .. let's keep the weight off! Iv'e decided im gonna weigh myself every 3rd morning :) So I'll keep you posted! :)
1/2 cucumber
1/2 beet
4 Strawberries
1 celery stalk
1 orange
1 tangerine
1/2 cucumber
1/2 beet
4 Strawberries
1 celery stalk
1 orange
1 tangerine
Monday, January 2, 2012
Day 2 - Almost complete!
Well today went well, at work i felt pretty irritable. Might not of been because of the fast but i was super busy at work. But I pulled through and did it! I really do want food it seems like I'm daydreaming of Ribs, hamburgers, and bratwursts. Haha I'm sure this will pass. I had my juice at work and it was actually better, because it had a lot of time to get super cold in the fridge. I just got home and made myself my dinner
1 carrot
1/2 beet
scraps of pineapple
1 pear
The beet sure made my drink look like i was drinking blood. I have to say if I look deep inside myself i really am not hungry. It's just you always want what you can't have .... right? My stomach has not been growling or anything. So that's a good sign.
Also my boyfriend told me today that if I last 30 days then he will start with me :) I told him it might make it easier for him since I will still have 30 days left. Woo hoo! Hopefully i can be the motivation for him! Anyways im signing out! Woo hooooo when i wake up tomorrow it will be Day 3. Just gotta take it one day at a time.
1 carrot
1/2 beet
scraps of pineapple
1 pear
The beet sure made my drink look like i was drinking blood. I have to say if I look deep inside myself i really am not hungry. It's just you always want what you can't have .... right? My stomach has not been growling or anything. So that's a good sign.
Also my boyfriend told me today that if I last 30 days then he will start with me :) I told him it might make it easier for him since I will still have 30 days left. Woo hoo! Hopefully i can be the motivation for him! Anyways im signing out! Woo hooooo when i wake up tomorrow it will be Day 3. Just gotta take it one day at a time.
Day 2 -of 60 day Juice Fast
Alright I woke up this morning and wasent even that hungry. I have work today. So I made my lunch to go. My back pain was still there this morning. I really hope it gets better.
1 carrot
1/2 cucumber
4 strawberries
1/2 cucumber
1 mango
1 pear
1 apple
1 carrot
I hope lunch tastes as good as breakfast, Im a little worries just because it wont be super fresh. But at least I have a fridge at work.
My friend Christina is now doing this with me she went and bought a juicer and bought all her fruits/veggies. So excited she will be only 1 day behind me on this journey. I wish the best for us!
Thanks for the support again guys! Keep your comments coming :)
1 carrot
1/2 cucumber
4 strawberries
1/2 cucumber
1 mango
1 pear
1 apple
1 carrot
I hope lunch tastes as good as breakfast, Im a little worries just because it wont be super fresh. But at least I have a fridge at work.
My friend Christina is now doing this with me she went and bought a juicer and bought all her fruits/veggies. So excited she will be only 1 day behind me on this journey. I wish the best for us!
Thanks for the support again guys! Keep your comments coming :)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Day 1 Almost complete!!
Normally I won't be writing this much, because I do have a job.. but today it was fun to write all my experience. I took about a 2 hour nap today. Just tried to relax most of the day and not think about food. Pretty easy! Just had dinner. I used the following;
1 bundle of Kale
2 carrots
It was pretty good :) It's funny cus as you start doing this you learn so much about how much juice each veggie/fruit makes. And some are really not a lot.
I also received 2 of these cups from my best friend because she knew I was doing this fast and this will make it a lot easier to take my juice to work :)
I know it's only day 1, but I did it! Pretty happy about it! When you think about it, the only time you really have ever been without food for a whole day is when ur a baby and drinking milk.
Alright well im signing out for the night. Thanks everyone for your support! I'm gonna go watch Water for Elephants .. I hope it's good!
Lunch on Day 1
Alright just finished lunch on day 1 .... It was actually REALLY GOOD!! I also went to the grocery store and all the produce I needed :). The clerk even said "wow you eat healthy"... then I had to explain how my unhealthy lifestyle has led to this.
I used:
1 apple
1 pear (was not ripe and doesnt need to be ripe)
4 strawberries
I guess for dinner im gonna add some veggies :)
I used:
1 apple
1 pear (was not ripe and doesnt need to be ripe)
4 strawberries
I guess for dinner im gonna add some veggies :)
Day 1 of 60 Day Juice Fast! Jan. 1st 2012! To New Beginnings!
Alright I woke up this morning and took a deep breathe and thought to myself "I AM READYYY!!!" Took a shower, took the scale out of hiding and put new batteries in it. It still worked... unfortunately LOL. And yeah lets just say I am the heaviest I have ever been. Sucks :( My weight has always been a battle and I have always fluctuated but I am SOOOO READYY for this juice fast!! I made my first juice this morning ..
1 sweet apple
1 green apple
1 grapefruit (I have grapefruit that grows in the backyard, it is not pink grapefruit, just the regular)
So as I've been typing i just finished my first drink. It was gooood :) But super Sour! I dont normally like sour things so next time i'll probably just do half the grapefruit.
Now today I have to go shopping for all the rest of the stuff I need. My juicer came with some recipes so I wrote down all the veggies and fruits I would need (this list excludes tomatoes because I despise them)
1 sweet apple
1 green apple
1 grapefruit (I have grapefruit that grows in the backyard, it is not pink grapefruit, just the regular)
So as I've been typing i just finished my first drink. It was gooood :) But super Sour! I dont normally like sour things so next time i'll probably just do half the grapefruit.
Now today I have to go shopping for all the rest of the stuff I need. My juicer came with some recipes so I wrote down all the veggies and fruits I would need (this list excludes tomatoes because I despise them)
Alright so today I guess is the beginning of a new life for me! Can't wait!!
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